What is The Spark?
“You Belong Here”
What is the purpose of The Spark?
In September, after your first week of classes, The Spark will transform your on-campus experience in ways you can’t even imagine.
If you’re new to Sauder this year, join more than 500 other Sauder students for your very own orientation event. You’ll find yourself amongst your peers for a high-energy weekend that will help you meet new people and make memories that will last you a lifetime.
Who is invited to The Spark?
If you are a new student admitted to the BCom program in Year 1, 2 or 3 in 2024 then welcome to Sauder! This weekend is all about welcoming you!
First year students will be placed in a team with the same students they’re taking COMM 105 together, so Spark is your chance to meet each other and have a lot of fun before the hard work begins.
Transfer students will be placed into teams with other students in their year and, where possible, in at least one of your classes.
Your team will be led by upper-year UBC Sauder students in order to receive helpful advice on the academic and social life within UBC Sauder.
What happens at The Spark?
Throughout this two-day event, you will partake in many social activities alongside your teammates.
Some of the activities that happen during The Spark are:
Fun games that encourage teamwork and communication
Opening and closing ceremonies to energize and inspire you for your time at Sauder
Quality time with your team so you can talk about all things university.
Night event with a dance party and fun games to wrap up the weekend and celebrate with your peers.
How do I register for The Spark?
During The Spark, participants will receive snacks, lunch, and dinner throughout the event, a snazzy t-shirt, Sauder branded SWAG, a ticket to a super fun night event, and two days of unforgettable memories!
Registration for The Spark is now closed!
Follow us on Instagram to stay up to date on all things Spark!
The Spark is committed to being accessible and inclusive so that everyone can participate. If you need financial assistance, please email orientations@sauder.ubc.ca.