upcoming hiring
what is sauder orientations?
Orientations (Imagine UBC & The Spark) are a new student’s celebration, welcome, and orientation to UBC and Sauder. It’s an experience that inspires, engages, and excites our new students; preparing them for success in their transition to Sauder by building friendships with other students. We are looking for 2 driven individuals to join our team in taking on this challenge and creating an amazing welcome experience for new students.
The goal of orientations is to allow every student to feel like they belong here at UBC Sauder.
Applications Open: Monday, March 31
Applications Close: Sunday, May 4
High energy, drive for learning, and a smile all packaged in one. Our Spirit Leader team will help you embody the Spark spirit through minute to win it games, cheers down Main mall, and surprise appearances all Spark!
We are looking to hire 10+ spirit leaders
Sign up Opens: Monday, March 31
Sign ups are open until mid - late August
Spark Volunteers are crucial to making the Spark happen, ensuring all elements of the event run smoothly. It’s a great way to experience all the fun of The Spark and meet new people at the start of term.
Applications Open: Monday, March 31
Applications Close: Sunday, May 4
Orientation Leaders play a crucial role in the delivery of orientations by communicating with a group of new students in the month of August and providing direct, peer support to this group at both Imagine UBC and The Spark.
We are looking to recruit 120+ Orientation Leaders
February - March
Spark Exec Team
Applications are now closed!
The Spark Exec team will plan and execute all aspects of The Spark 2025 including marketing & communications, team building activities, catering, volunteer management, and more!
Senior Orientation Leaders
Applications are now closed!
Senior Orientation Leaders fulfill important roles in the recruitment, development, and oversight of orientation leaders involved in Imagine UBC and The Spark, and directly support the implementation of Imagine Day.
We are looking to recruit 10 Senior Orientation Leaders.